Marco Schmitt @ REH-transformer

Transformer Bild

P A N O P T I C O N T H E R A   S U B O B S C U R A

Marco Schmitt

Eröffnung: Donnerstag 14. August 2014, 19 Uhr

Schmitt transforms the space of REH Transformer in a spiritual Panopticon. At the opening night he will do a special happening ranging from pan optical holotropic breathing and self-defense leading the audience to their internal panopticon through his specially made devices and practices.
He becomes a queer high spiritual-tech–artist-shaman.

PanopticontheraSubobscura_Text Click to enlarge the text!

Kopenhagener Strasse 17
10437 Berlin

15.08 – 30.08.2014
Workshops: 16. + 23. + 30. 08. 2014, 16 – 19 Uhr
Finissage: 30. 08. 2014, 19 Uhr

Opening hours: see and by appointment:

U | S | Tram Schönhauser and by appointment | [click here for map ]

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